Sunday, September 27, 2009

crazy busy

Okay so im the worst blogger ever, I wanted all my picture to go in order but it isnt doing what I want and im getting annoyed and dont want to deal with it so here it is. A couple weeks ago Ope got hit by a car. I dont know how it happend and I was standing right there but the good thing is a few stitches and some xrays and she's going to be fine. ThankGod this is her taking it easy recovering !!!! anyway enjoy my ramblings.

So the worst blogger ever I never update, but thats going to change im going to get more interesting. haha Anyways here is an update of whats been going on lately. I swear these last couple of weeks have been crazy crazy busy.

This is Ope when we were getting ready to go camping for labor day. She cant stand that we are outside doing something without her so she has to look out and keep an eye on us. We dont let her out when we are getting everything hooked up because 1,she would run away,2.she would get ran over while we (aka Bill ) is hooking up the trailor, or 3. she would jump in the back of the truck. If you know Bill we take the dodge camping and that would be a bad bad bad thing for Opes life if she were to scratch the truck so she has to ride in a travel crate when we go camping, and let me tell you thats an act complete for the circus getting the two dogs loaded. Picture this we always wait until very last to load the dogs so they dont have to sit for as long in thier little "travel huts"as Bill likes to call them, (huts my ass they are cages my poor babies).......anyways so we have the truck hooked to the camp trailer running ( I only camp in the summer so its hot) So here we are in 1000 degree weather me standing at the back to the truck breathing nasty hot exhaust smoke, trying to listen over the sound of the LOUD truck Bills instructions for lifting the dogs to him, and he is in the back to the truck trying to grab the dogs before I drop them and scatch the truck defeting the whole purpose. Trust me im sure this looks hillarious for everyone not involved, our negibors probably love when the see us getting ready to go because they have some entertainment and then they dont have to deal with us for a couple days !!!!! I should have taken a picture maybe next camping trip. Anyways that was labor day then the next weekend was my work party at Lake Powell. It was a blast !! anywas that enough for one day.... enjoy