Monday, August 31, 2009

The bluedog

Here is our other baby "the blue dog" yep thats her name, she a blue healer pretty creative aren't we !!!! Bill's grandpa found her in the field and we couldnt find her owners so we rescued her. She will seriously just lay on the couch like that all day, she is the sweetest puppy ever. I swear on Saturday mornings she will wake us up just so she can watch t.v !!! So thats ope and blue. As for the plus two its mostly just plus one because Bill is anti social and dont want be on here, but that didnt ryme as well so ..... here we are !!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Getting this figured out

So im not the most technicle savy person in the world I have self diagnosed a.d.d, and get bored quickly and dont have time for directions so you will have to bear with me while I figure out how to get my pictures to upload and all of that take one .... Meet Ope, she is our black lab and defently the boss of the house. She thinks this is her bed and after I have made it she will jump on it and move the pillows how she wants them. She does the same thing to us at night as well she just jumps of thier and figures out where she wants to sleep then flops down and kicks us until me move to acomidate her. But we love her she's our baby, coming next meet the blue dog !!!

Here we are....

So ive been thinking of starting a blog for a long time and finally got around to it, so here we are